This weekend was pretty cool. Saturday I went to a friends house to meet with others to pray. That was for me just so awesome. I want to do it more. I think that God wants us as a Church to do it more. We are supposed to be His body, so we should pray together way more often than we do. Today life is crazy. When is life NOT crazy? You don't have to have a special gift to pray, its just talking to God. I really feel we should prioritize prayer, and especially corporate prayer more in our lives.
Sunday was "Thanksgiving" with Dave's side of the family. It is just so awesome to me to be surrounded by family that I love and that loves me. Dave and I like to hang out with the kids. When we were talking about it, I mentioned because it is probably because we don't have any at home and when we do, we will most likely talk with the adults. I watched the kids play. They have no problems with physical contact like adults do. They sit on each other, wrestle, chase, hug, tackle and crawl. Whatever happened that made us not do so as adults?
The 21 day challenge at church has been awesome. Dave and I have actually not been journaling like we were challenged to, but instead we read the chapter out loud to each other and then "talk out" our would-be journal entries. One of the things that has really struck me, and gets me every time I read John: how can one read this and NOT believe? Jesus clearly states his divinity! How can you just ignore what to me seems so blatantly obvious? Not only that, but not just believe... Jesus says that believing means change... living life differently! Since when is belief in God reserved for Christmas and Easter? (total aside, but no way Jesus was born in December!) Since when does it say love me on Sunday but the rest of the week do whatever you want? Where does it say you cannot pray to God directly? (Jesus says to ask in His Name, not his mom's name!) Is doing what your ancestors did more important to you than your own salvation? (BTW, wearing a necklace with some saint's picture on it does not keep you from touching the flames of hell! It never says anything like that in the Bible!)
This fire in me, may it never extinguish. Its all happening... thank you Jesus!
I challenge YOU, if you don't believe, if its been a while, if you are confused about your spirituality... read John (the fourth book in the New Testament) and then pray about it. Still don't know, read more of the Bible... The more you read, the less you can deny him. Or, live your life in denial, click off this page and never come back.
I know this, the more I read, the more I know God. The more I know God, the more I change. The more I change, the better I feel. I have been through many trials in my life, and it is only because of my faith in Christ Jesus that I am alive today! I say this because its true!
Wanna know more? I will gladly share details and pray for you. E-mail me @ icanseerightthroughyou@yahoo.com or comment back or call me but don't give up the search for the Truth!
okay! I just read thye sign, then:
So I just Googled "Why, God?"
That was interesting...
Some Results 1 - 10 of about 1,640,000 for "Why, God?".
Why Won't God Heal Amputees?Is God real, or is he imaginary? Is God real, or is he imaginary? It is one of the most important questions in America today. ...
"Why, God, Why?" - Today's ChristianTo our heart-wrenched cries of Why? God's ultimate answer is, "Jesus," as He is glorified and magnified in our lives through our suffering. ...
whygodwhyNovember 19th, 2007 | Posted in Notebook. So I turned 18 and my father took me aside and said And now you will go to college, and you will earn a degree. ...
The Rebel GodWeblog on the atonement, explores issues of human suffering and the silence of God.
Why Me GodWhy Me God - Do you feel singled out or punished? Do you want to understand why these things are happening? Find out here.
www.allaboutlifechallenges.org/why-me-god.htm -
Amazon.com: Why God Won't Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief: Books: Andrew Newberg,Eugene
bible.org: Why God Became Man
hmmm I notice God didn't amswer in my Google for some reason!
btw, I finished John a couple weeks ago, am on the acts again, looking for parts not noticed before again-
ah yes, and then goes Romans, my other favorite...
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