Hey, summer is nuts! I end up logging on, checking email, poking or tattooing my friends on Facebook, reading blogs then saying "oh snap! what time is it?"
Thus explains my lack of blogs this week.
Yesterday was a wonderfully productive day. I had a lunch date with my husband in which we ate at Quigley's Irish Pub in Naperville, followed by perusing at Restoration Hardware and Pottery Barn. Not to mention Barnes and Nobles, which could eat my entire day up. After I dropped him back off at work, I headed to Menards, (which I say like Mainerds) and found my matching ceiling fan and ceiling light to install. I also picked out lightbulbs and got overwhelmed at the amount of tile selections.
After a wonderful evening at Celebrate the Journey at CCC, I headed over to Home Depot and found a bunch of stuff for my bathroom; faucets, a fancy schmancy curved shower pole, matching do-dads for toilet paper holding and towel holding, also the shower curtain hooks match. For those who have curious minds, I decided to go with brushed nickel finish.
I am starting to get really psyched for my remodel. One bid is in, and I am STILL waiting on another... (gee don't sway me at all by being late...) I think I have picked out my new doorknobs and some other stuff. Don't worry, I already have to return something, the towel bar is too long, I am just gonna go with hooks instead.
N E way... oh shap! What time is it?
"brushed nickel finish" I love that song, hum me a few bars!
NO, its a band, not a song. They do that one song you know, about that one guy and his girl
OK, n now the bathrooms...!
Janus n Fleenie both are doing-over those also! This makes three people at the same time since my puter went unconscieous!-
But no- not mine!
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