I have always had a hard time taking compliments. After a lifetime of being made fun of, I don't believe the nice things people say about me. It is true, but I am working on it. I am supposed to smile and say thank you. So thank you.
Working on self-esteem is tough. I have had 30 years of knocking it down, it won't all come back in 30 minutes. Not only am I finding that God loves me and cherishes me and finds me captivating, but some people do too.
My husband is the first one to stop me when I put myself down. Especially when I get down on myself for my weight. Dave always reminds me that he loves me and thinks I am beautiful the way that I am. I have made some wonderful friends that love me for who I am too, and am working on building those friendships. Thank you.
That is the cool thing about God, he sent Jesus to die for our sins while we were still sinners (Romans 5:8). What this means is God loves you the way you are and he is not asking you to change who you are. God wants you to be the person that he meant for you to be, to reach your full potential. This starts with accepting Jesus, and loving God. Everything else will follow, and the blessings will blow your mind. Seriously, imagine how happy you could be, and multiply that to the gizillionth power. No, loving God is NOT an instant fix, it is a work in progress and your joy comes in seeing how God is going to surprise you around every turn.
How do you start? You start a relationship with God the way you do with anyone else. You talk to Him. You pray, you read the Bible (because that is HIS words he is speaking to you.) Also, surround yourself with encouraging, loving people. Get involved in a community of folks who love God, he will be with you there as well. Then give back, offer to others what you have and they don't have. Watch the blessings multiply.
Having a bad day? Smile, you are loved! God loves you, and so do I!
Hi x-ray chick;
Cool name, my wife is an x-ray technologist. We are also followers of Jesus, I became one in my late 20’s and she just into her 30’s. It seems you like The Message which I use a lot on my blogs and also enjoy. Keep spreading the good news; I have bookmarked your blog for future visits.
XRC - I know a lot of people like that when it comes to their self esteem. When you get ripped for so long it's true you have trouble believing that anyone really cares or is truthful. You have to move past that, luckily for you someone there to catch you when you feel the old feelings crawl back in.
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
God loves you, and so do I!
Right back at you, sister!
This post is just dripping with Truth. I was just having a conversation with a friend about how women reject compliments too often and we termed it "the Anti-Pride". It's so sad that women (well okay, I should say "we" here) shoot themselves (ourselves) down so needlessly.
"Dinner tastes great!" "Oh, it was nothing."
"Those shoes are really cute!" "I've had them for years, I only bought them cause they were on sale"
"Thanks for your help with this!" "Don't mention it."
It's almost like we can take humility to the extreme. It's normal to think "pride-bad, humble-good" but when we don't accept praise for the talents and attributes God blessed us with it's basically telling God we don't think too highly of His gifts or His creation. I can't tell you how often I come up with snarky anti-me comments in response to compliments, so thanks for the reminder to say "Thanks" and to stop being my own Simon Cowell.
Yeah, just think of your inner Randy going "its a bit pitchy dog..."
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