No, not me! But, a very good friend of mine just told me that her and her husband are going to start trying for a baby! Yeah!!!!! I am so excited.
Having a baby is a big deal! It is bringing a new life into the world. A human. Someone with thoughts and feelings, and NEEDS. This baby is not a dolly, and it will turn into a teenager one day and literally try to eat you out of house and home.
Yet, people continue to flourish on the earth. We must be worth it! I know sometimes that life is overwhelming, but then I remember that God decided to create us, and he had a purpose.... to love us. He created us as beings to receive His love. Kinda neat, like when humans decide to have babies. It just means so much that we were not an accident, and that God chose us, which is not always the case with humans.... Thank you God for creating me to love you, and be loved by you.
XRC - Oh no the B word!!!
I can list at least 6 pregnant people I know! AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!
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