For the first time in forever, I am actually invited to a SuperBowl party that is not a family party. No offense family, it just feels nice to have friends other than those related to you by blood.
Last night I chopped up veggies, and nearly my finger, to get ready for today. Tons of veggies it seems. I think I overbought. Don't ask about the band aid, I might give you the finger. Literally, I cut my middle finger thanks to a roly-poly carrot. Don't worry, its just a mere flesh wound.
Monday at the WW meeting seems like a long, long time ago. I have really struggled this week with a lot of emotion, and don't have my full 35 extra points left for today. Yet, I know it will be okay. I will be surrounded by lovely friends.
Yesterday, God really met me and answered my needs. At CCC, we had the Generosity Conference. Thanks to Eric, we learned that Gener- os- ity will save your soul. (I will never get out the "its just another Sunday, here at Community" out of my head.) I learned tons of great things, but the biggest thing I got was something that cannot be put into words. Dave Ferguson gave the last talk of the day, and at the end, I was in tears. It was the prayer that really met me. Somewhere in there, God said that if I keep Him first in my life, everything will be okay. Dave's passion and commitment to God and His Kingdom are phenomenal, and you hear that when he speaks. I feel the anointing.
I feel really blessed to be going to church and doing life with my CCC family. There is something special when your pastor loves to greet you and hug you. When Tim Bakker asks me how I am, I know that he really wants to know, he is not just being nice. You cannot buy that with any amount of money. I love how I can't get through a crowd without getting at least 3 hugs. This "community" thing is for real, and I cannot imagine my life without it.
God, all this means so much to me, so much more than any amount of money ever could. I feel like I have won the SuperBowl of life by being on your team. Thank you for all you have given me. Please, help my heart to stay focused on You and Your Kingdom, take away my selfishness. Help me to remember this in my darkest times, that we will prevail against the gates of death. You have displayed this to me many times. Bring it from my head to my heart. Help me to follow through on what I believe and what I feel so I may lead the life that you want for me. I pray these things in the name of your son, Christ Jesus, Amen.
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