-So, how was your birthday, do anything fun?
~Yeah, I worked.
-Did Dave get you anything good?
~Yeah, he took me out for lunch and got me a gift certificate to Borders
-Cool, well hope you had a good birthday!
~Thanks, yeah, it was good.
I just cannot describe to people the way I felt on my birthday. See, Thursday (the day before) I had this awesome meeting with some people, and found out that God is working to get some great stuff together. A dream that I had is going to come true. A way that I can help and serve and give back all for God is starting to take shape. God gave THAT to me for my birthday! So recently I feel like I have fallen in love all over again. It is hard to explain the whole thing, but lets just say it rocks! I have been in this awesome mood and totally praising God recently!
If this starts to take more of a shape, you will get details eventually. Lets just say that people, places, events, and experience are all coming together thanks to God. If this all works out, it will be the bestest ever. Thanks God! You are good!
Sounds like some good things are heading your way! Happy belated Birthday!
Happy happy birthday!!! (Late wishes, I know, but sincere nonetheless!) It's so cool to see how God works in your life in such visible ways and thank you for always sharing them! Praises & blessings!
Happy Belated Bday!
Presents from above are the best kind!
An excuse to browse thru Borders is good too! There isin't one close to home for me.
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