After my cousin's wedding on Saturday, I got sentimental. First, I have to say that Tammy was the most beautiful bride I have ever seen. Maybe it is because of the sparkle in her eyes, maybe just because she is... I don't know. Mike is one lucky guy. Too many highlights, plus it is not my story to tell. Just know that I had a blast and am truly blessed to have Tammy as my cousin, and I loved being her bridesmaid.
Sunday was Father's Day and Megan, Dave and I threw a BBQ at my dad's house. Dave's folks also came by, and we had a good time hanging out and eating yummy food. Megan made dad's favorite cookies and I got to bring some home (lucky me!) Abby also got to hang out with Rugby and Daisy, so it truly was a family outing.
Today I had plans to hang with a friend, but the power went out and changed her plans. I ended up at my dad's house looking at my wedding photos on his computer (my DVD drive is busted on my computer, so I had to go somewhere else!) Then I went shopping for some scrapbook stuff. I feel like I didn't do much. I only say this because it is a "vacation day" for me, and I didn't have to work. The rain doesn't help my mood any either.
I am feeling sentimental, and looking forward to getting these photos I am having printed back tomorrow. I am looking forward to ordering more and doing my wedding album. I can't wait to see Tammy's photos when they are available.
I am so glad that I got married. I know it sounds cheesy, and some people don't get it. It's okay because I do, and that is all that matters. Dave and I looked at each other a lot during Tammy's ceremony. I hope I always carry that feeling of being in love in my heart, that this is not a "honeymoon" phase. I think it will as long as we never stop growing. Looking back and being sentimental is a way to appreciate how far we have come.
Man, have we come far...
I hope you always get to keep the passion you have for your marriage, as you felt throughout your Cousin's wedding.
You're so lucky to have found such a love and also a love for God to feel in your everyday of life!
The angels are smiling down on you-
Have a great week full of love!
XRC - Hmmmmffff! Throw a cook and not invite Neo, oh I see how it is.
Neo sticks his nose in the air
Seriously though, good luck to them for taking the plunge. Just remember HALF of all marriages end in divorce.
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
*puts a whipped cream pie on Neo's upturned nose*
Hmmm....pie up the nose? I seem to remember having cake up my nose last Saturday :) It was a fun time, wasn't it? Banff was awesome too!
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