Recently I sent out an e-mail survey. It read " Describe me in one word.... just one single word. Send it to me and to me only."
I thought I would share the results with you. How daring am I? These are random order.
Energetic, dependable, caring, fun, bubbley, caring, NUTS!, wonderful, caring, supercalifragelisticexpialidocious, spiritual.
What a list! Now it's your turn! If you read my blog, please drop me a comment using only one word to describe me. Feel free to do so anonymously. Especially if it is about my horrible ugly picture.
Other terms used to describe me from random saved emails: Dr Shelley, You have a real knack for writing and story telling, You are a wonderful young lady, and you enriched my life,I think you are a kind, intelligent, and fun person Shelley, You are CRAZY! And I love you!you are such an incredible friend.you're a freak,Love ya...you have excellent taste in best friends, intelligent, great potential in life, Thank you so much for your prayers!!
I decided to do this because my self-esteem really needed it. Also, I wanted to show how kind words mean so much to me. Kind words mean so much to many people. So after you comment, send others some kind words that they need to hear...
The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences. (Proverbs 18:21 NLT)
gifted :)
So,self-esteem on E,you're entitled.
I believe I was the one that called you,my former coworker,"fun".
You made me smile,laugh,and lifted me up during many a stressful time. Thanks.
Shelley is an awesome bridesmaid! She made a really pretty bride too :)
Thanks to everyone for lifting me up by showing me love. BTW Tammy, you were a gorgeous bride!
Loving ! !
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