You may have noticed that I have changed the title of my blog. I have decided that "icanseerightthroughyou" is a great moniker, but a horrible blog title. Especially since I have focused my life on Jesus.
It has been on my heart to do so for a while, so I turned to scripture for inspiration.
This drawing, if you notice is at the bottom of my blog. It was done by my mom. I thought it went very well with the scripture relating to my life, and has been inspiration for me. Out of death comes life, and regeneration is possible. Thanks Mom for being more inspiring that you will ever know.
Let's see what else will be new with me...
Excellent title... very well thought out.
XRC - Hmmmm, I actually really like your old title, but hey sometime things have to change eh?
Have a great weekend.
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
Great drawing n a way to think of your mom. Hope my kids keep my art in play long after I'm beyond this place.
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