So, I have this top secret blog. Well, it was top secret in that only myself and my husband knew about it until yesterday. It was top secret in that I decided to start a blog to journal through my thoughts feelings and prayers relating to the calling I heard from God.
You see, I almost forgot about it, until I read something for my woman's Bible study group.
I mentioned and tagged the author of the book, giving her full credit. This morning she commented on my blog. Awesome. How flattering is it? I think just as flattered as she was that her book influenced me.
You see, when I really thought about it, I came to the conclusion that we are just two chicks who really did Jesus and got inspired by God. And our paths crossed. She and I are not better than each other.
Dave the hubby brought it up how people tend to worship the leader instead of God or a god. I tend to agree. Now, I constantly am joking about Dave Ferguson.... but its a joke. Yes, Dave is anointed and hears from God constantly. He is a brilliant man, but I don't worship him. I worship who he worships. I love him because of his passion for the Kingdom. I love him for his obedience to and his communion with the Lord. I don't think he has any special powers, I think he just uses more gifts from God than most people use. He is special, but I don't see him and fall on my knees.
Have you gotten to where you think someone is better because they are in the spotlight? An actor or actress? The only major difference between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie and my husband and myself is that the whole world recognizes them. In actuality, I believe we have a better chance at success because Dave and I are not in the spotlight. Or how about a doctor, teacher, pastor, group leader?
I used to get caught up in worshiping the person verses the cause. But I got older, wiser, and frankly Tom Cruise put out some goofy movies I couldn't watch. That was before the whole couch incident.
We all have gifts and talents, God gave you some. Find out what it is... then, get your feet wet.
Thanks Jen.
aw geez...who is that old guy?
Maybe sometimes God forgets....
what would he forget?
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