This picture came in an email to me, along with a few other funny ones. We just finished the "Eat this Book" series at church, where we learn that God's intention is for us to consume his word. It blows my mind how many people, even Christians alone, do NOT read the Bible on a daily, or even weekly basis. Many people rely on hearing the word in church, or just don't even read it except maybe on Christmas or Easter. I rarely did a while back. Something happened when I did start to read it. Things started making sense, my life started to change. I am actually almost done with reading my Bible all the way through for the second time. The first time, I journaled along with most of it. This time I just kind of soaked it in and read without having to journal, most of it at my bed before sleeping. I am in Matthew, finally having read the whole of the Old Testament.
Now, if Bible reading is a new thing for you, don't start at Genesis and plow through. You get stuck at Exodus or Leviticus. My suggestion is to pick a gospel and start there. The first time, I started with Luke. Many other people suggest John. Then go on, Romans is really good. If you are ready to try Old Testament, go with the Psalms or Proverbs, maybe even Ecclesiastes first. Some people even read a Proverb chapter a day (there are 31 chapters.) I also really like Ester. (Ok, I like a LOT of the Bible, its hard for me to pick!)
Some people won't like me for saying this, but if you get stuck, skip it. Yes, Numbers is the most boring chapter in the whole book. Or, you can "yada yada" yourself until you come upon a story. The famous book, The Prayer of Jabez, was written about an obscure guy mentioned that I never would have found if I hadn't said "yada yada" through all the names of people. Who cares who "so and so" begot?
Once you start to become familiar with the Bible, the stories are important and eventually you will begin to care what "so and so's" name is. Maybe you won't, but my point is -- don't let it stop you from reading the best book ever!
Is the language a problem? I highly suggest trying The Message or another paraphrase of the Bible. I bought mine almost two weeks ago, started at Matthew, and I am up to James now. I can't say enough to tell you how fresh this is to me.
I wish you could feel the change in my heart and mind since I started to read the Bible. It would make you pick it up today! I just feel so awesome about having God's word in my heart and on my mind. I learn so much about God, who he is and who I am because I choose to follow Jesus. I see how I should be living my life and how screwed up this world is. I see that life is never easy, but there is always love. Having read the OT, I see all the prophecy Jesus fulfills, and all the scripture that He quotes and it helps me to understand why it is so important that Jesus died for me.
This is radical, revolutionary, completely different from what you see on TV. This is God direct, in HD, on a personal channel just for you. You want God to speak to you? Ask Him, then open up his word and read. I guarantee you God will speak to you if you are willing to listen. It might even scare the hell out of you...
I'm sorry that I love cheesy word puns so much!
XRC - I gave my original bible to a friend who I don't talk to you years ago because I had someone lose their study bible on my apartments front steps. I tried to return it but found out that when I looked inside the case it came in that the guy was a crack head. I found the areas that he used a highlighter on, too bad he couldn't have learned more from what he read.
If you want the word you need to put the pipe down first. Be an alcoholic like the rest of the world. LOL
- Neo
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