So I cleaned out the spare room a bit on Wednesday, and yesterday and today, sick. Again!!!! What is up with that? I think my spare room has germs that cause me to get sick. Either that or every time I just get over something, I work in the ER and some kid coughs on me. Dude! Seriously!
I drugged up with some Mucinex-D, and rinsed my sinus passages out. They still continue to ache, and drain and I cough. But, I am NOT going to call in sick again on my weekend to work. I can't do that to the good folks I work with. That, and I will be just as sick as the whole ER. I am going to try to make it through. Wish me luck, pray for me, cross your fingers, send positive thoughts, whatever it is that you do.
In the meantime, I am considering hiring out a flamethrower for the spare room. (Not really, but I scared you didn't I Dave?)
In a completely different arena...
This just in, the Bible is not considered indecent despite rape, incest, sex, and violence. Glad to know that some things are still taken in context. When I was a kid and grounded, I wondered why I could read about two daughters getting their father drunk and raping him to get pregnant. It was the only thing I was allowed to read (the Bible) also it was my mom's funky hip 70s version called "The Way." At least I could understand it. I don't think they still make it, but you would not believe what I found online. Think you can't understand the KJV? Try the KLV Klingon Language Version. Life is too weird. People are too weird.
I should never like to read anything but the KJV. I raised my children on it, and they had no trouble digesting it, as they were accustomed to it.
Although I've never tried the Klingon version. :)
Nice site. I'm glad you enjoy sharing.
Thanks for stopping by. I find the KJV poetic, but not easy to digest. I suppose it matters not which version of the Bible you read, it matters only that you read the Bible. However, I do not think I will be digesting any of the Klingon version in this lifetime. If the Klingons did read the Bible, they would not be as interesting and warlike. But then, look at the Crusades... (I cannot verify that THEY read the Bible either.)
XRC - Wow, sick again? Get better soon, I hate it when people are rude and don't cover their mouths. So much for manner. Geez...
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
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