Spent some great time talking to the Big Guy today before work. See the picture, on the left is the Big Dog and on the right, X-ray Chick (that's me!) I went to my church website where they have a page for a personal guided prayer outline. This was just what I needed. The scripture really got me to a place where I am centered. Some really powerful words.
If you want to know what Psalms to read,(and didn't click the link for the guided prayer) check these three out: 103, 145, 139. There are a ton of Psalms that I love, but these three are packed with great stuff. Everyone knows 23 (The Lord is my shepherd) but these really dig into God. Some words that stuck out from these psalms and I wrote in my journal: The Lord always keeps his promises - he is close to all who call on him. The Lord helps the fallen and lifts those bent beneath their loads. You made me, you know me O God. Let all that I am praise the Lord.
In fact, I did get into journaling, and wrote my own "psalm" and I will -gulp- share it with you. Please be nice, its my first time sharing from my journal.
Whenever times get dark
-my heart grows weary-
yet here in my heart I find you
Lord of lords
King of kings
He who was and is and has yet to come
Your comfort extends beyond the pain
For in your presence, there is naught but light
and darkness vanquished
I am lonely without you -oh God
When my heart aches
only you can give it
what it needs
I wish only to live with you
to praise you
with all of my life
I am yours
Your words are the only words that light fire
to my soul
Your heart is the only heart that I desire
Dwell in me
This concludes day one of prayer week. Tune in soon for a day two update!~~
Love your psalm - I almost feel like I could convince someone that it's actually from the Bible. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for reading Lisa :)
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