After a 13 hour power-outage, and an issue with the internet, I am back online after a long two days. Yesterday, I woke up with no power. This means something dreadful: NO COFFEE. However, by the time I got showered and dressed, I was no longer craving just coffee.
I headed out to a new sandwich shoppe, (okay, new to me) to give it a try. I intended to do reading, but found myself distracted by people and what they were doing, reading, or talking about.
I always have these really good intentions when I start out, but then I see the no dog sign and have to rip it out and carry it around in my mouth (in my life as a German Shepard that is). The sun was out, which lead to more distractions, as I just love a sunny day. I could just imagine life as a dog, laying there watching people pass by, talking on the cell phone before they enter the store, staring at the window to read the menu, sniffing around for dropped sandwich pieces and chips.
I don't think German Shepards read the paper, but I got distracted by the paper because it had an article on the new Pirates movie. Then outside, there was the front page, which I always like to peruse. I don't subscribe to the paper, because then I would never read it, plus all the tree killing. However, I am never opposed to picking up a stray paper and reading it. I guess I could liken this to smelling the crotches of strangers.
When I was sitting inside, there was a gentleman sitting outside. I tried desperately to see what he was reading. Never mind what I wanted to do, what is he reading? Ahh, C.S. Lewis, but I cannot read the title. I wonder what that book is about? I wonder who this man is, why he has an hour in the middle of the afternoon, and why he is reading Lewis. He ordered some type of grilled sandwich, and is drinking a citrus flavored green tea. He is likely in the baby boomer bracket of age from what I can tell. He is also dressed nicely in a sportcoat, but is not wearing a tie. His shoes are black oxford tie ups, and he wears black socks. I forgot to look for a wedding band, its not like I am trying to hook up, but that would show more about who he is.
Ugh, here I am trying to judge a book by his cover, and his book cover (newly acquired from Barnes and Noble with bag to prove it. No other purchases were made that I can tell.) I would dread it if someone did this to me. What do I look like?
Well, I am a German Shepard, and if you get too close and I don't know you-- look out! Okay, I admit, my bark is worse than my bite. I am cuddly, but I shed a bunch. I am loyal and true, my collar is blue, but worn. I am clean and smell good, but I drool a lot. (What do you want, I am in a sandwich shop!?!) I wag my tail, but only around people I know. I am supposed to be chewing my bone, but I get distracted easily. I carry my bone everywhere, and it is well worn to prove it. I know my bone like nobody's business. I want to share my bone with people I love.
If you just got totally confused, well then woof, woof!
XRC - CS Lewis, the guy who wrote the chronicles of Narnia. Wonderful imagination......
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
PS Stay away from the fire hydrants. ;)
There's nothing worse than no power except no bloggedy-dog-blogging, no hot water for the shower, n no cooking! Almost like when the car breaks down on the way to somewhere important.
Thankfully, I already quit coffee, but do enjoy my tea, but will substitue juice in emergencies!
Love that pic!
There's a law against dogs on the beach here... but they get out on the back-beach often!
(nice bone to pick)
Neo, I prefer posts, especially stop signs and signs that say please clean up after your pet. Also, you should scratch me between the ears.
Snagg, at least the hot water heater was full for my shower... otherwise I would have had to snuck onto the beach...
Neo scratches XRC's ears
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