This week has been ablaze with different emotions for me. Just when I am getting over Heath, I find out that one of the WGN news guys died last night in a snowmobile accident. Those are all surface things that it is easy to say are bothering us though.
I have a friend who just moved into an apartment with some other guys, he was nervous because he didn't know them. God was totally with him though, because turns out they are both nice guys, and he knew one of them from about a year ago. The rules are not as strict as he thought, and that means he can hang out with us as much as we want, or he wants. Anyways, we were all pretty stressed out for him yesterday, and this morning when I talked to him, I could relax. I knew God would provide, but I was more worried about how my friend would react.
I myself was stressed out on Tuesday. I was doubting myself and the whole Weight Watchers decision. Everyone asked me how I was, and I didn't want to answer them. I felt much better after Celebrate the Journey though. I connected with God, and I connected with other people who have gone through a lot. We read this passage from the Bible about being lost sheep without a shepherd. That is when it hit me, I was so busy looking at myself, I forgot to look up. I felt like a lost sheep, because I didn't recognize where I was, but when I looked up, I saw my flock, and I saw my Shepherd. I am surrounded by the love of God constantly in His followers and by Himself, but I was being so self-centered I got lost.
Maybe that is what it means to "be still and know" in a way, stop fretting over yourself and look around you. God is everywhere and in everything and everyone if you just stop to see.
I got Mick Jagger singing in my head (don't laugh) "We all need, someone, to lean on. And if you want to, babe, you can lean on God..." (please don't laugh)
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