I have been known more recently to be willing to do anything. It never used to be that way. You see, I used to rely on people, or myself, and people always hurt me and I just plain let myself down. Now that I rely on God, I know that whatever he has planned for me is going to be good.
Let's take this recent example of me and Celebrate the Journey. The very first time I walked in there, I said I don't need the 12 steps. I snicker now, because that is exactly what God is going to be having me do. I am joining the 12 step group and going in pretty much blind. I have never done this before, and yes I am scared because it is new, but God is good, and He won't give me anything I cannot handle.
I found that when I plan things, I get let down. Once I invited 36 people to my birthday party and only 3 showed up. So, now I am trusting in God. Okay God, what is next? You want me to do what? Okay, I will go. I find so much joy and fulfillment in being obedient, I find my needs not only getting met, but being exceeded! See, I know that He is faithful, and whatever it is that God wants for me is just going to blow my mind. I only expect that whatever it is, I am going to grow, and be filled and be loved and it will just be so great I cannot even put it into words.
See, I know this because I trusted God with a few small things, and it was good. Yet the more and more I trust God with, the better it gets. It may never be what I would think or plan, but it all works out (See Romans 8:28).
I dare you. I dare you to trust God with something small and see what He does with it. Guarantee, He's gonna blow your mind!
The only predictable thing about plans is, they change!
Many folks just don't accept that this life isin't our plan, it's the Creators!
Every time I'm instructed to make a plan, I snicker due to the fact I think it's likely all wasted energy...
Here I am watching the NH prez debates= talk about big plans...
btw, I do buy a few lottery tix sometimes. I always win a little dough when I most need it! If God thinks it's time I hit it big, I have faith that I will! I'd credit God for the win too!
It is always amazing to see what faith can do for someone. Even if it doesn't happen right away, it DOES happen if you believe :)
Happy New Year! :)
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