Many of you know or have heard of the book "Blue like Jazz" by Donald Miller. It rules, and if you have not read it, you should. I am going to read it again eventually. Well, I loved how he wrote so much that I picked up another book of his "To Own a Dragon."
Now, this book has a subtitle that is something like 'reflections on growing up without a father' (pardon me not running to grab it) and the book really called to me for two reasons. One, I sometimes call my depression a dragon, so I picked up the book to see what it was about. Two, I am working on father issues, and healing things with my dad, whom while present my entire life was completely unavailable to me. I love my dad, don't get me wrong, its just that he didn't live up to the expectations I set. (This is a blog for another day.)
In the prologue, Donald Miller apologizes to women. Maybe I am just not that sensitive, but I believe the book DID speak directly to me. Don is only 5 years older than me, so I feel very similar in place with him, we are the same generation, and I get him, he speaks to me. He writes so matter of fact and in your face and real, that I just want to hug him. He tells it like it is, and makes no apologies, but you laugh about it. I felt that he touched on issues in my soul about God as a father, work ethics, general ethics, sex, and spirituality. These are chunks of my life that were missing for years and years and years. And all rolled together in a beautiful book illustration.
Donald Miller co-authors with his mentor John (I cant remember his last name right now.) John is a photographer, and I really feel like Donald Miller paints with his words. Its beautiful how he writes. Take his owning a dragon metaphor... he says that to him, having a father is much like owning a dragon. See, dragons don't exist in real life. They are mythical creatures that you can read about, but you don't really experience. That is what a father is like to Don.
Oh and he makes you feel comfortable no matter where you are with God. That is probably the best part, you feel comfortable, like talking to a good friend.
Don, you really spoke to me, so much so that I couldn't even take notes I was devouring your book so fast. I am going back for seconds, hopefully to digest it nice and slow this time.
Sounds like the book could be up my alley- Philosophy, analogy, n fathers. Thanks for the review. Maybe I'll find reading time at some point...
There are a couple posts on "this Blog of note" which made me think of you (scroll down a few), n your love of doggies:
It'a awesome you read such deep and interesting books. Always great to keep your mind fresh and on top of things :)
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