My sister has been struggling with pain and tiredness. Today she called to tell me that it might be her thyroid. I remember when I found out that I wasn't crazy and it was my thyroid. It made a huge difference in my life, and in my attitude. She has been seeing her chiropractor.
Well, I am finally going to follow my own advice and go see mine. I stopped going a while back because finances were so bad. I am suffering because of my left shoulder/upperback/neck. I can't sit up straight right now. I have been putting a hot water bottle on my muscles to get them to relax. They are so tight and spastic.
I realized last night, that it is when I am hurting that I tend to get upset with myself the most, and I went to God, and asked Him to help me. I cannot help myself sometimes. I think the combination of the pain still being here and my sister calling me reminded me that there is a perfectly good person who I know and trust to take care of me. When I called to make the appointment, I found out that my favorite massage therapist is in town! If I could afford to hire someone, I would hire her. She is so good with her hands, and I bet she would be a good cook too.
I do have worth, and I am a beautiful child of God. I am re-reading Captivating and trying to absorb it now, instead of just reading it. I figure it will help me get closer to who God wants me to be. It has struck many chords, and opened my eyes to many things.
Also, in my journey through the Message version of the Bible, I have begun to work on Deuteronomy. Now, I did start at the New Testament, read all of it, then went back to Genesis (for those of you who are curious) and intend to read through the whole New Testament again before I put this version "down." As much as I love the Bible, Leviticus and Numbers can get boring and repetitive. However, I think I have gleaned something from that, especially combined with this weeks verse. Jesus said the most important commandment is to "love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength." (see previous post) The old testament is full of God choosing his people, and his people straying from God and his blessings again and again and again. What does God do? Does he butter the floor? No, he gives them chance again and again to come back to him and enjoy his blessings. If you love God the way he desires, putting nothing before Him, the rest will follow naturally. Before you know it, you end up trying to help people find their way back to God, and serving them. And you like it, you love it, and you can't get enough.
Opening of my eyes starts with opening my heart to the Lord, and it goes from there.
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