Are you lonely? Do you feel like you have no one to lean on? I am. I mean, I have Dave, and I have my family. But who is my 3am phone call? What happens if I need help and Dave is not available? I am not going to find that person by hiding in my hole.
Many people get comfortable being alone. They have their own little world, and they think of excuses not to reach out. When is the last time you talked to a complete stranger? Ok, how about that person you see almost everyday at work but don't know them or talk to them? Or how about the lady who you always seem to get checking your groceries at the store? Many people go about their everyday lives without ever reaching out to people. I find myself guilty.
I even find myself not calling people because I only have five minutes, or because its been a week, or some other dumb excuse. I spend more time on my computer than with people in a personal relationship. No wonder loneliness is increasing and the statistics are rising on depression. I am just one person. How many other people spend their whole day surrounded by people but totally and utterly alone?
The Big Idea at church this week addresses loneliness. Our pastor found a study that said it was better to eat Twinkies in a small group than broccoli alone. This means that we all need people. When God created us, it was for a relationship. It is not good for man to be alone, and Eve was created. People are meant to have a relationship with God and with each other. God did not command us to eat fruit and sit in a cave, but to be fruitful and multiply.
I need to reach out more. Simply put. God spoke directly to me on Sunday. Do you know how many lunches I have not had, and calls I have not made and visits unvisited? Too many to count. No wonder I am lonely. God give me the strength to be bold, and to follow through. It may feel safe in my hole, but its awfully lonely, and one of these days someone might just sink a ball in the corner pocket! (ouch!)
XRC - Thanks for your comment on JBI. That was very nice of you.
I agree, people do tune out the world, even with all the technology we have, some don't realize the simple things like communicating without a keyboard.
I know I'm guilty of this, but the odd time I will make an effort to talk to people in public. I find a lot of the time, most of them just snub you thinking that you want something from them other than a kind for or a nod of their head.
- Neo
I'll be your 3am phone call :) We're only moving to Lombard after the wedding, I'm not far!
your cuz
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