Its times like this that I feel so small, and so far away from God. I didn't know what to do. I cried out to people I knew were safe. "Pray for me," I said. I felt even too weak to pray for myself.
Sometimes the body is weak but the spirit is willing. That is how I felt. I knew I needed something beyond myself and felt too weak to ask for it. Do you ever feel that way? Well, thank God for my wonderful husband. Dave prayed and lifted me up to God, and He wrapped me in His love. Peace returned, almost instantly. Proof that prayer works over cell phones.
Heavenly Father, I get so overwhelmed sometimes. I concern myself so much with others, and I forget about myself. Thank you for help when I am weak, and continue to keep me strong. Thank you for my husband and our trinity with you. Keep us both strong despite the resistance of the world. Please chase all of our crows away in the name of your Son, Jesus. Amen.
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