We did have a great time despite all the bad football. First off, we got to see our friends. We all hung out and ate, talked and played with the kids. Our friends Hector and Michelle have a cutie pie named Evan that is 6 months old. Dave and I fell in love, and they had to fight us to take him home. Fernando has a 4 year old named Olivia. She has the brightest pair of eyes and the biggest smile. She is irresistible! We had such a great time playing with her, we forgot that being a jungle gym for a 4 year old makes us sore! Matthew is about 2, and the last time we saw him he was shy. This time, he was anything but! His dad had him all decked out in Bears gear, and had to chase him down to keep the headband and hat on. He amazed us by munching on hot Cheetos all night, and showed us how he could fit in his sister's doll's bed. The best was when she got in there with him. It was cute until they started to roll around, we didn't want them to get hurt. How can you beat Matthew saying "GO BEARS!"?
I never thought that I could have more fun sober on Superbowl Sunday. I never thought that just hanging out with friends and family could be so good. The best part is that these memories will last a lifetime. Friends to Dave and me are more than that. We cherish them like family. They are part of our "tribe" and being with them is worth the drive to Rockford. Who cares the Bears lost? We won.
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