Last weigh in weight: 238.2
Today's weight: 240.5
Total weight lost: 37.1 lbs.
Weight to lose to mini-goal: 15.5
Yep, I knew it. I gained this week.
Too many trips to taco bell unrestrained. Last night I ate the Taco Salad which gains 2.2 lbs from the shell alone.
Good news is, I don't have plans for today! Finally, I can hit the gym! I haven't been for it seems like forever, its only been 2 weeks, but it has definitely but a rut into my mojo.
My energy is low. Not just because I have been getting up early, but also because I haven't been moving much. An object in motion tends to stay at motion, an object at rest tends to not get out of bed. The laws of physics, man, you can't deny it!
I was so close to the 40 lb mark, and well, I still am. Let's not get down about this, but remember what lessons we learned. Now, I have to get my butt off this chair and into the gym.
Pray for me not to be too sore tomorrow!
Update: missed the gym, but had a "lunch date" with hubby and a great phone conversation catching up with a friend. I love friends when we can talk God and talk deep.
And, for me....
Last Weigh In: 167 lbs.
Today's Weigh In: 166 lbs.
Total Weight Lost: 27 Pounds
Totally didn't think I lost this week, but it must have been all that dancing at the wedding this weekend!
Gonna work hard on working out this week. Should be able to eat REALLY healthy too, because Mike is out of town and I don't have to worry about making extra for him and guessing my portions :)
Bought size 12's today that fit perfectly!!! Dress pants from Kohl's. I'm so excited!
Just when I was getting into a rut, this gives me more motivation to keep going!
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