Last weigh in weight: 240.5
Today's weight: 238.5
Total weight lost: 39.1 lbs.
Weight to lose to mini-goal: 13.5
Seems as if I am back to what I was the week before, which is awesome.
The real challenge will be keeping it off with a week of travel.
I don't arrive until late Monday, so will not weigh in or blog again until Tuesday next week.
I don't know exactly what is going to happen on this trip. I really have to trust that God is working behind the scenes for HIS glory, not mine. And that HIS will be done, not mine. I do however like it when my will lines up with His.... now I must pack, blog at you later!
Hey! You made it to blogging about it!
Here's mine:
Last week: 166 lbs.
This week: 165 lbs.
Total Weight Lost: 28 lbs.
I am fitting in a size 12! At least the 3 pairs of dress pants I bought are 12's! Very excited!
Still working. Another 10 pounds would be fabulous!
Hope your trip is going well- Be safe (if not hungry)...
congrats on a loss week!
C'moi congrats to you- that must feel wonderful after all that work!
Thanks Snaggle Tooth! I am feeling great! It's fun going shopping again :)
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