Last weigh in weight: 239.7
Today's weight: 238.2
Total weight lost: 39.4 lbs.
Weight to lose to mini-goal: 13.2
How can this be?
Only God can be helping me, because I am not doing this on my own.
I was COMPLETELY surprised I lost.
Thanks God, I can't do this without you. Sooo many answered prayers this week.
Um, wedding this past weekend and one coming up this weekend, not expecting to lose, but we'll see...I'll work out really hard!
Last weigh in: 166lbs.
Today's weigh in: 167lbs.
Total weight lost: 26lbs.
I'm sticking in the upper 160's right now, I think I'm on a plateau. I need to change it up a bit with something. Suggestions?
Way to go for you!!! Keep it up!
I'd like to add in more swimming exercise this week, myself, but I'm too busy-
Hang in there n keep working on it girls!
Even maintaining your weight after weight-loss is work-
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