I have to apologize for the lack of posts recently. Life has been throwing me some bones, and I have wound up with more than I could imagine on my plate right now.
But it is all good.
I have a huge thing that I can't mention yet for legal purposes, and some other nuggets that I should share. And despite it being a big deal, I know it will be alright.
For one of the larger nuggets, I will be giving my testimony next Tuesday at Celebrate the Journey. This is a big ordeal because I am going to be vulnerable to people I don't know in the hopes that it can help them to better their lives. No one likes to talk about their past, but when we do it, we are actually setting it free. I really hope that I don't trip on stage, but if I do, oh well, it shows I am human, right?
I have this vacation planned to catch up with folks that I haven't seen in a while. If this is you, call me! Vacation starts Tuesday. I recently got texted by an old, old pal and hope that we can get together next week.
The Christmas tree is up, the stockings are hung by the chimney with care, and most of my shopping is done, except for my dad and Yola, I don't know what to get them... probably another gift certificate for (oh wait, what if he happens to read my blog, its rare, but it happens so thus ends this sentence.)
My cousin and her new husband will be out of town for Christmas this year. It will be weird, x-mas without them... (and before you un-informed people e-mail me, x is an acceptable, non-blasphemous substitute for Christ in Christmas! Do some research!)
My sister, Megan, has caught the cold. Pray for her.
enjoy your vacation!
I hope to, thanks Jason! At least I won't be -you know where-
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