I love to read the Bible. I try to do it every day. It feeds my soul. Sometimes things stick out at me.
In today's reading, Jesus said (and I am paraphrasing) you can talk a big game but it is really your actions that count. Basically he was defending himself. He could claim to be God but it meant nothing without all of the miracles that he performed.
You can claim to be a Christian, but are you really backing that up with actions? Are you feeding the hungry, loving the unlovable, healing the sick? Do you love your enemies?
I ask myself that a lot. I try my hardest to not do anything to give Jesus a bad name. So much has already been done in his name that was so wrong (aka the Crusades) that I don't want to hurt him. There is a book that is titled something like "I love Jesus but not the church." Also one that is like "Jesus save me from your followers." In fact it was many "Christians" that have kept me from coming to Christ in the first place.
There are several people who I can think of who claim they have Jesus in their heart, yet they are so mean to others. Do they even know? If you have Jesus in your heart, you have to be Jesus to others! You can't just claim the peace for yourself and leave it there! If you truly had the peace of Christ, you would be spreading it loud and wide! If you truly had the peace of Christ you would be SALT and you would be LIGHT. Many people claim Christ, but act more like day old fish. They just stink to be around and everyone wants to toss you out.
Yes, I love you. Yes, Jesus loves you. Please, consider your actions as if you were representing Christ if you are going to claim to be a Christian. Stop giving us Christ Followers a bad name.
1 comment:
I tend to stay bitter awhile toward those people who are cruel to me, n constantly ask not to be.
People just hate being pushed into joining religious groups. People "recruiting" door to door often push more folks awy from God, than toward the light of knowledge...
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