The serenity prayer is not just for drunks. I wish so much that I could never ever forget to ask God these things every day. I have decided to call myself a "Shelley-holic" meaning that I am addicted to myself. I am selfish, and I am constantly desiring to serve my own needs over others. I have made bad decisions because I was being selfish and wanted something now!
God has good things ready for me, if I choose to follow his wishes. It is when I decide to not even ask God what I should do, and just do what I want right now that I get into trouble.
I don't want to hit bottom by having a heart attack before age 40. I want to be healthy not just for myself, but for my husband and any children we might have. I want to be able to run, and to enjoy life. No longer do I want to feel like I am older than I am.
Somewhere I heard someone say that 30 is the new 20. I think it is true. I feel better at 32 than I ever did at 22, and I would not go back for the world! I am working towards becoming the me I was meant to be, but in the meantime, God grant me the patience to endure the changes that I make!!!
You have a positive outlook and your soul always seems to be in the right place. As someone who has enjoyed reading your blog for some time now, I can tell that you're on the right path. :)
You are a spring chickie! You aer springing to action to help your future be much brighter!
May you never feel old!
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