I grew up under a tight leash. I had to do things my mom's way or my mom's way. No getting around it.
What it bugging me now is that I am seeing myself be her. I see how others clean my house, and get upset they forgot this or that, or angry even.
I yell back at myself, "well, if you want it done right, you do it!"
Yeah, that totally defeats the purpose of my "outsourcing" to save me time and help out my friend who is not doing well financially.
I realize that I never let go of that leash.
God, I am gonna need your help. See, I have this screwed up idea in my head of how things should be, but that doesn't mean that is how things are. Help me to accept the things that I cannot change. Help me to let go of the leash and spend more of my energy focused on things that matter.
I need serenity right now God, grant this to me please in the name of your Son Christ Jesus, AMEN!
- God grant me the serenity
- To accept the things I cannot change;
- Courage to change the things I can;
- And wisdom to know the difference.
- Living one day at a time;
- Enjoying one moment at a time;
- Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
- Taking, as He did, this sinful world
- As it is, not as I would have it;
- Trusting that He will make all things right
- If I surrender to His Will;
- That I may be reasonably happy in this life
- And supremely happy with Him
- Forever in the next.
1 comment:
I do the same thing, n at work, too!
What I really hate is when I tell some one to do something repeatedly, then they ignore me over n over.
But hey, if some one wants to wash the floor for me n didn't move the table- I'll deal- (I've been doing it all forever!)
Happy, Serene Easter!
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