Ever feel like what you do is just rocking on the edge, waiting for something? I do. Sometimes it is just me, scared and unwilling to move. Sometimes it is patience that I need to learn.
I know that God has bigger plans for me than just sitting rocking. So I wait. That doesn't mean I do nothing. I have to do things to change. Read, talk, think, pray...
God created us for a relationship, and He wants us to be loved, not just directly by Him, but also by his Body, the Body of Christ, aka the Church. Its just one of the many ways that He can directly touch us in this lifetime.
Tuesday I rocked my chair for a while, then I got out and talked to someone. I have been thinking about this... honestly, since I first came to the church. That means about a year. Long time to sit in a rocking chair. Anyways... I did it. Oh what, I stepped up and volunteered to help out on Saturday nights. I want to greet people, and make them feel welcome at CCC. We want newcomers, and we want to meet you, get involved with you. I want that too!
Many things prompted this, including the Spirit, but I have to give credit to Bushra at work (or God working through Bushra at work). She said I was good at greeting people. I love it when people tell me I am good at something. Not just because I love praise, but because sometimes I don't always see the things I am good at. (That has to do with poor self esteem) So when I saw Katrina on Tuesday, I knew she was the person to talk to, and I finally did it!
Crawling out of your shell, getting off the rocking chair, whatever it is; celebrate little victories everyday! We put ourselves down enough, don't you think?
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