Tuesday was my last night off as a single woman. Dave and I decided to make it our last single date night. Not too crazy considering we are marrying each other, but it was! Not to sound silly, but Dave and I felt almost like we were on a "first" date.
We started out by running errands for the wedding, this was not part of our official date, but in a way it was. We stopped by the post office, it was closed in honor of Gerald Ford. 20 people must have come in, looked confused and left while I was in line to buy stamps at the machine. How is the world supposed to know? It was not even posted until you came inside the building?!?! We then headed to the salon to get his hair cut, and I lined up someone to do my hair (my previous arrangement fell through.) Without boring you, it was kind of neat to be at a salon with my future husband. Guys aren't much for getting their hair done, well at least Dave isn't. But we built repiore by enjoying some time together in a new place doing a new thing. Dave got to see me get highlights in my hair, tinfoil, head under the dryer and all. Who does that on a first date?
We then went home to get ready, I did my makeup etc. Then we headed out to the site of our first date: BD's Mongolian BBQ downtown Naperville. On the ride down I did the same thing I did our first date, head the wrong way by mistake (I did not intend to.) Dave tried to talk about his nieces and nephew like he did on our first date. The wait was 45 minutes! We walked around downtown and then sat at the bar and had a drink. It ended up working out well, because by the time we ate, the line was short to get our stir fry grilled. On the walk back to the car, Dave and I talked. We decided we would rather have one of today's date than one million of our first dates.
We then decided to drive around Naperville and check out the chapel where we are gonna get married. It is beautiful at night. The stars and moon shone in all of God's glory. We also found that Naperville accidentally built our wedding cake down by the riverwalk. We should talk to someone about why they wrote 175 on the cake... The rest of the date was spent watching a movie at AMC Cantera 30. It was a good movie, could have been a bit shorter. Not enough action for the time. The Good Shepherd was directed by DeNiro and starred Matt Damon. We left glad we did not work for the CIA.
So, I end my single life glad for this: I am marrying the man I love on Sunday.
Shelley, Patrick and I will pray for you and Dave this weekend. That the weather is great, that everything goes smoothly (not that you'll notice), and that your marriage will be blessed for many years to come. Have a happy day and safe travels to your honeymoon destination! Congratulations on finding your Love! Peace and blessings!
Thanks Nancy and Patrick! Can you also pray that the love of God will be experienced by all? We have some people we are praying for that we want them to see Christ's love in us. I am sure everything will be okay. Its in God's hands after all...
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