Welcome to the Wiener's Circle! Due to Yahoo 360 not letting strangers in, I have decided to share my life here on blogger. So welcome to all who tried to read about me before but could not. You will notice all of my old 360 blog entries titled by date published, and you can also look them up under archives. I have links to blogs that I read often and links to websites that I love on the right side of the page. If I have you listed and you want off, please email me at icanseerightthroughyou@yahoo.com. I am super excited, because anyone can comment now also. Feel free to drop me a comment!
So you are probably super curious as to how my dad's wedding went yesterday. Well, first let me preface things by stating how miserable I am. I have a horrible head cold, my nose was/is constantly running. My cousin Ross and his wife and kids came (Cindy is such a good mom!) and so did my uncle John. That is the list of all the people that I know besides the ones I came with. Everyone else was from Dad's church or his friends that I don't know. (I came with Dave, my sister Megan and my practically sister Becky.) Dad's church was nicely decorated for the fall, and the ceremony was very beautiful. It was so nice to see Dad so happy, yet hard. Yola has yet to look me in the eye. It was emotional, hearing Dad say vows to Yola that he struggled with so much with Mom. How come it was so hard for them? How come we had to suffer because of it? Lots of different emotions were dealt with. It was not easy.
I had to warm up the car while Dad said goodbye to Becky and the others, we did not stay for cake and punch. I was feeling horrible. My head would not stop being icky. Dave felt even worse. On the drive home, he had me pull over. Dave got hit with a sudden bout of vertigo in the church, and now he was nauseated. After resting at home, we decided that he was not getting any better, and we should go to the doctor. The walk-in clinic was closed, so I drove to the hospital. Luckily it was not very busy. Dave got tests, and medicine that helped him feel much better. We missed the reception. At the hospital, I had to find Candy and tell her that I was right, I did end up in the hospital after all. (I work there, remember? I told Candy that I would probably end up at the hospital anyways, even though it was my weekend off because things always work out that way for me.)
Today, we both still feel crappy. So we missed an appointment with the photographer, but rescheduled for next Friday. Oh, and we also have the extra dogs for the weekend to help Dad out. They go home Monday. Hopefully Dave will feel better by then so he can work, and well also its not fun to be sick. And me, I hope I feel better too. If I don't show up to work Monday, don't be surprised.
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